


Innovation has been a core part of many projects that I have been involved in, often as part of a wider strategy program. However, I have also undertaken specific initiatives focused on either driving new innovations or embedding innovation as a way of working using agile tools and techniques.


The Lloyds Commercial Bank case study provides a good example of key financial, non-financial and organizational benefits. Following this project we were shortlisted for several industry prizes for innovation. As part of this, I have also included a separate link that introduces PACE, the approach to Innovation that I created as part of the Lloyds program and have used with multiple different clients.


You can see examples of strategic innovation in the work we did for Spotlight, NAB and the Food Standards Agency in other sections of the website. I have also provided a synopsis of additional innovation projects that I have completed to highlight the overall range of initiatives.



Developed a global strategy to reinvigorate the KODAK brand in the online printing and accessories market

Redefined the offer from being a 3 day / year trade show to a 24/7 community

Redesigned the entertainment category for the UK business

Built the business case / offer for a completely new proposition around teaching resources

Redesigned the business to move from a publishing model to a data model

Managed and ran a 2-day innovation offsite in Germany with the top 15 global clients to provide ideas on how GEODIS could evolve their relationships

Reimagined the vision for the agency to deal with the 21st Century market

Defined the business case and plan for the creation of an online fashion marketplace

Created an offer around B2B solutions including a three year roadmap for innovation to challenge Vodafone

Built a new proposition around scanning revenues due to death of existing business model

Created the proposition and market entry strategy for an online video platform

Developed the measurement system for BT’s internal digital management tool – the netcentricity index